
- 1 Corinthians 15: 1 -

"Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand."

Invitation Letter

It’s the thing that resides at the bottom of our issues. It’s something that we don’t fully understand, but is the real root of our inner miseries. The Bible calls it “sin.” We label its symptoms, but this does not solve the problem. In fact, nothing we do can solve the problem. But God can. And God did. God sent his one and only Son Jesus to die for our sins. God raised him from the dead. When we believe in him, he forgives us and accepts us. He gives us his Holy Spirit and new life. Eternal life. Real peace. True joy. This is the gospel. It is for you. To learn more, please participate in “The Gospel” conference. You will be glad you did.




Child Care (FAQ)

There will be a childcare program for children ages 1-11 years old.
Childcare will be provided for a total of 12 hours throughout the conference. Childcare will be available during the main lectures and the group Bible Study + reflection sharing times.
Childcare will be separated into 3 rooms: ages 1-2, ages 3-5, and ages 6-11. Parents will be responsible for dropping off of their child(ren) 5 minutes before the start of the program and picking them up 5 minutes after the program. Information regarding late fees, initial check in, and ID checks are being discussed and will be updated. Please check back later.
Yes, please provide the childcare team with any information you would like them to know about your child(ren).
A Christian Childcare organization called “Noble Call” will be providing services at our conference. In the past they have done various things during the childcare time (e.g., Bible discussions, games, etc.) Please note, this is a childcare service, not a separate program organized by our conference staff for children. Children 11+ will not be able to participate in this childcare and will need to attend the MBF/HBF program. Please see MBF/HBF tab for further details on programming.
For the comfort of your family and our other attendees, children under 12 are required to be enrolled in the childcare program and will not be permitted in the main sessions.


Questions or comments? Contact us (We will respond to all your requests)

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